6th editiOn

FEstival des musiciens du mOnde

May 19, 20 & 21, 2023

The Centre des musiciens du mOnde invites yOu tO its Festival

6th editiOn tO a musical jOurney tO visit the mixed sOunds Of Iran and Senegal, the melOdies driven by the Oud and the FlamencO pianO, the cOlOred dialOgues Of the West African balafOn, the timeless perfumes Of eternal cities, the reinvented Klezmer repertOires. With The Klezmatics (New YOrk), Ablaye CissOkO (Senegal), Kiya Tabassian, Nazih BOrish, MOhamed MasmOudi, Adama DaOu, Guillaume Martineau and many Others, cOme and hear the wOrld differently !