Café Korigé

Musicians: Geremia Lodi, flute, voice, body percussions| Komty Ondoua, voice | Ricardo Soriano, piano, cajón, bongos, violin

Lectures and workshops available

Contact (booking): Milan Simas –

In this project Komty Ondoua, Ricardo Soriano and Geremia Lorenzo Lodi explore the landscapes hidden in their mother tongues: Maka’a (from the eastern province of Cameroun), Spanish and Italian. The emerging soundscapes are compared, superimposed, and remixed in the effort of retrieving a sense of home through moving in two opposite directions: tracing back to the origins of one’s own language while at the same time generating a new space of encounter with other languages. How, for instance, does a Latin jazz groove transform when superimposed to Pygmy polyphony–the sounds of the deep equatorial forest? How do equatorial polyrhythms encounter Italian vocal melodies? The languages will be used both for their poetic and musical power, echoing the very lands that generated them.

The trio was created in 2022 by three musicians from three different continents: Komty, eclectic singer who embodies the oral and rhythmic traditions of Cameroun coupled with jazz and opera influences; Ricardo, multi-instrumentalist, violin and piano virtuoso, who excels in Mexican folk music and Cuban rhythms; and Geremia, Italian flautist with an original creative process.

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