Classes in Singing and Choirs of the world

We offer singing lessons, both private and in groups, for all ages and levels of skill. Our classes will delight both singers who wish to explore new repertoire, and beginners who are curious to discover new vocal qualities and new musics from around the world.

Sing to the rhythms and vocal traditions of the world

Seize the opportunity to sing with professionals and indisputable masters in the transmission of authentic vocal traditions from around the world.

A centre in the heart of Mile-End and Plateau-Mont-Royal

The courses take place at the Centre des musiciens du monde, in the superb historical presbytery of l’Église Saint-Enfant-Jésus, in the heart of Mile-End in the Plateau-Mont-Royal area, close to Outremont and Rosemont.

 Arabic singing- Classical

Lamia Yared

 Traditional Persian Singing

Raha Yousefi

 Balkan Choir

Dina Cindrić

Traditionnal Quebec singing

Lysandre Chartrand

A new way to explore, learn and listen