Renaissance Dance and Contradance | Spring dance ball

05mai14 h 00 min16 h 30 minRenaissance Dance and Contradance | Spring dance ball14 h 00 min - 16 h 30 min(GMT-04:00)

Détails de l'événement

Danse Cadence and the Centre des musiciens du monde invite you to a ball of Renaissance dances and Contredanses, on May 5, 2024. This ball is open to everyone, novice or experienced, whether or not you have taken classes before. We will dance pavanes, Germans, branles, French, English and New France contradances. Some dances learned during the year by dance class students will also be presented. In order to weave links between the dances of the past and our world today, period costumes are not necessary.

2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saint-Enfant-Jésus Church of Mile-End
Open to everyone

Information and conditions:
– General admission: $23 online | $25 at the door (taxes included)
– Students 15 years and over: $20.70 online | $22 at the door (taxes included) (proof will be requested on site)
– World Musicians Center students: $20.70 online | $22 at the door (taxes included) (proof will be requested on site)
– Children aged 8 to 14: Free



5 mai 2024 14 h 00 min - 16 h 30 min(GMT-04:00)